A framework for impact at the New Model Institute for Technology Engineering


Client: New Model Institute for Technology Engineering (NMITE)
Date: 2020 - 2022
Work: Measuring impact

New Model Institute for Technology Engineering (NMITE)

NMITE aim to provide a different model of engineering education in Herefordshire, to address the shortage of work-ready engineers entering the workforce.

Articulating impact and creating a framework

Data Orchard supported NMITE to articulate their intended impact and create a framework for measuring this.

Data Orchard worked with NMITE between 2020 and 2022 to develop a theory of change for their four different types of stakeholders, and an evaluation framework with measures. This was done in collaboration with staff, leaders and board members in workshops during 2020. We facilitated a data mapping workshop with staff, which identified the current state of data collection and evaluation measures across systems.

NMITE’s Harriet Dearden said:

"We have a good framework from which to work and a good understanding of the work that needs doing in the future."

To achieve this, Data Orchard produced a roadmap for implementation with recommendations for outcome and impact measurement. We produced a directory of measures and questions to ask stakeholders, alongside a baseline for some outcome measures.

As part of this project, we also researched and recommended measures of 'work readiness' which are a key measure for NMITE.