Supporting Age UK Herefordshire and Worcestershire with their impact measurement

Working with Age UK on impact measurement

Client: Age UK Herefordshire and Worcestershire
Date: 2016-2018
Work: Improving impact measurement

Data Orchard worked alongside staff and trustees from Age UK Herefordshire and Worcestershire, to help improve their impact measurement.

Age UK Herefordshire and Worcestershire provide a range of services to older people with different funding streams and varying demands from commissioners. This made it difficult to articulate the impact they are having as a whole for older people across the two counties. The project aimed to create improvements in:

  • practical collection and reporting of service engagement and activity

  • articulating the long-term sustained and meaningful impact the organisation has on older people’s lives.

What we did

We started by running collaborative workshops with senior leaders and staff to develop knowledge and understanding of impact and outcome measurement. This was followed by a review of their data assets and existing outcome measures. Data Orchard then developed an outcome framework and impact statement with senior leaders and managers and produced a data directory of measures and processes. Our final output was a roadmap for improving data processes and measures.

DO Age UK image DashboardDrawing.JPG

What we learnt

It takes time - 2 years in fact! Reviewing the overall impact touches on all areas of an organisation, and is very dependent on whether staff are up (and available) for the challenge, from the chief executive to board members, managers and front line staff.

This project happened during a period of organisational change, with key senior leaders leaving, so the pace slowed somewhat and emphasis changed during the process. Briefing new staff, remaining adaptable and recognising the immediate challenges the client staff were facing, were key to keep the project moving forward. Despite the difficulties faced, the client was happy with the service we provided and the clearly articulated theory of change, outcomes framework and measures that were developed.

They plan to use this to inform future planning and strategy to communicate impact and improve services and products.

“The patience with the difficulties internally within our organisation together with a professional approach and willingness to be flexible within the programme [were valued].”